A Lesson On English--By The Shiyun
Dear Reader,
This letter has been sent to inform you that Equillian Script has now been accepted into Unicode and can be typed across several devices. This letter has incorrect grammar, but that is only so that you may easily translate this to English and learn the "English Representation" of the Equillian characters. Equillian Script is not actually the written language. Rather, it is an English-Equillian hybrid first used by Roy and David Mason during his first trip to Jaylene. It was made by taking Equillian characters and modifying them in a way that could well represent English characters and punctuation. This language is not well-known across Jaylene however, and only about ten people still understand it. It's purpose was really to teach the Equillians the English language, and it worked. Having no further use, it has become a language somewhat forgotten. It can still be seen in old scripts and books, and occasionally you will find some things in the Equillian history database were written in Equillian Script during the time of David's first visit. We now pass this information down to you so you may learn the art of speaking one of the main languages of one of our most splendid parallel universes.
Below are the basic fifty-two "letters" of the English language represented in Equillian Script.
The following characters are two of many characters which are essential in Equillian but are not able to be translated to English. Therefore, they will appear as two basic English symbols when typed out. You will learn about all these unique characters in future lessons.
Cene: !
Len: ?